Welcome to the website containing everything that crosses my mind! From broken experiments to useful tools, Orikaru is there for you.
Content worth exploring is listed in this page but if you feel adventurous, check the pages in the left menu.
Don't take anything present in this website too seriously! While some projects were properly managed, most of them have been coded after midnight. Have fun!
Online Tools
I've always liked working on random tools. Here's a list of some that could actually be useful.

GitHub projects
Here's a list of my best projects on GitHub. Most pages on this website are not on GitHub because I'm too ashamed of the code.

Most of these "games" were made in JavaScript from scratch and are not finished. But you still may have a bit of fun!

Latests blog posts
This is not really a gold mine of good blog posts but there may be a few articles worth reading.
Social stuff
Links to places where you can contact me. You can also use the Contact button on the bottom left on this website.